From the top of the stairs coming out of the Conference Room, you can see that the old library reading room has become a comfortable gathering space. The literature rack which formerly held materials from Faith and Life Resources in the old library Curriculum Center has found a new home in the Lounge with a display of assorted brochures. Two rectangular library tables at the entrance to the Lounge are often used by volunteers preparing materials for the Church Leadership Center. Back further in the room by the windows is a grouping of casual furniture, the soft red chairs from the old library.
President Nelson Kraybill chats with student Reece Retzlaff just before she leads the leapers and Nelson follows. (Again, sorry, no photo of the leaps. It was over too quickly for this amateur photographer.) Janeen Bertsche Johnson, Campus Pastor,
The foosball table at the far southwest end of the the new Lounge sees active and noisy
The area by the gas fireplace in the far north
Change takes time, especially in a small institution where design decisions are made by committee. However, there is common agreement that the transformation of the old library into a new lounge has been very successful and is meeting many needs on campus.
In early February, the Admissions Department moved to the Lambright Center into offices vacated by the Church Leadership Center. This includes Director Bob Rosa, Admissions Counselor Jeffrey Newcomer Miller, Financial Aid Counselor Jody Walker and Assistant Denise McOwen. Their goal is to have a welcoming area to meet with prospective students.
Jeff Miller, Chief Financial Officer, moved from his office by the mailroom down the hall next to the Ad Cabinet Room. Mary Klassen moved into Jeff's old office and her assistant, Nekeisha Alexis Baker, is now in the adjacent former office of the Admissions Counselor, Jeffrey Newcomer Miller. Barbara Gamble, new human resources and payroll assistant, has moved into Mary Klassen's old office.
Last August at an all-employee gathering, Nelson asked everyone who had changed offices in the past year to raise their hands. About a third of the staff raised their hands. When he asks this question next summer, perhaps another third will raise their hands. AMBS is indeed on the move in many ways!
The past two months of silence on this blog are a testimony of the commitment it takes to do regular postings on a blog. On the other hand, no need to clog the web unnecessarily. You have now seen the fruits of two months of work by the AMBS Maintenance Department.
I will probably continue to post until the Fiftieth Anniversary and Library Dedication April 25 and 26. I hope to see you at AMBS for this reunion and celebration.