Friday, March 21, 2008

Renovation of the North Bathrooms

In February we welcomed the arrival of Wes and Cathy Braun, volunteers from Manitoba. Last winter Wes did the major work to renovate the bathrooms in the south hallway of Waltner Hall. This year he started on the bathrooms in the north wing.

Deconstruction came first. The penetrating noise of a jack hammer chipping up tile flooring was a necessary start to the project. Wes broke out walls of ceramic tile between the men's and women's restrooms and then put in new studs. He adjusted the electrical connections and prepared for the installation of new sheet rock.

This photo is from just inside the women's restroom looking through the studs to the men's room. The next photo is from the entrance to the men's room looking toward the women's room. Ramont Schrock is in the women's room.

While Wes focused on the bathrooms, Cathy worked in the library inserting security strips in books and shelving. She learned how to perform circulation functions at the service desk. She assisted in the dining hall and with other odd jobs that Sharon Baker provided.

On March 14, Wes and Cathy went to Ontario for the weekend to visit friends. On their return trip into the United States at Detroit on Sunday afternoon, Wes was denied entry at the border. The border guard claimed that Wes, a Canadian citizen, was working at AMBS because the guard found evidence that the seminary was reimbursing the Braun's travel expenses.

No explanation could change the outcome so We and Cathy returned to their friends in Ontario for the night. The next day, Cathy, who has dual citizenship, came to AMBS with a Canadian friend to collect their things from the AMBS apartment. She returned to Ontario to rejoin Wes.

This is a most unfortunate turn of events. The bare studs of the bathrooms and the stacked drywall in the hallway are ready reminders of the premature end to Wes and Cathy's time at AMBS. They are also disappointed to leave so much unfinished with this early departure.

Welcoming Spring in the New Lounge

There are still piles of snow around from the last storm and more is forecast for today. But the birds of spring have arrived in northern Indiana and our thoughts turn to gardening. With the enthusiastic leadership of the AMBS community gardeners, we have had two opportunities to plant seeds in preparation for the 2008 season.

The lounge tables were spread with seed packs. Planting containers and potting soil was provided along with expert advice from Jamie Hollis, Heidi Rupley and . Everyone had a chance to plant seeds and take containers home to tend until their garden warms up enough for outdoor planting. Hopefully there will be sturdy seedlings to tuck into the soil for early summer crops.

A big thank you to the garden planners for helping us get ready for spring.

And, for those not interested in seed planting, there was stimulating conversation around the fireplace. The new furniture is well used and much appreciated.