Friday, August 10, 2007

Students Find Preferred Seating

It's one thing to arrange tables and chairs on a flat sheet of paper in the design process. Over a year ago, we tried to predict where people would want to study and their preferences for study furniture. This week the furniture arrived and now we will see where people choose to sit.

The plan called for soft chairs at all the big windows in the north reading area. However, on the two sides of the room, we decided to put study tables instead of soft chairs. Today, those tables were the first ones chosen for sustained study by visiting scholar, Josh Yoder and AMBS student, Christina Litwiller.

The new photocopier was supposed to arrive today but it didn't. We expected the periodical display shelving to be completed today but the technician didn't show up. Somethings will have to wait for next week.

However, I did catch Bob Yoder, site supervisor for DJ Construction, in action. Bob has been here almost every day since ground breaking on April 17, 2006. Now he is finishing up the details of the project which today meant installing the walk-off mat in the entryway. Bob's partner today was Christopher Payne.

Bob will stay at AMBS for the renovations in Waltner Hall. DJ Construction took away Bob's trailer office out on the construction site. His new office/shop / scrap pile is in the library reading room. Next week he will direct the installation of the lift just off the hallway in the north wing of Waltner Hall. This lift will make the Conference Room handicap accessible.

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